Press Releases & Alerts
Wild Blueberries and Human Health: Current Evidence, 2020
Although taste and versatility may be your first reasons to choose Wild Blueberries, their health and nutritional benefits cannot be ignored.
The best addition to your grocery cart: frozen wild blueberries
Celebrate the holidays with these wildly delicious cocktail and appetizer recipes
Get WILD in the kitchen this Thanksgiving
Chef Christine Tizzard at the Annual Wild Blueberry Celebration at Evergreen Brick Works
August is Wild Blueberry Month
5 things to know about wild blueberries
March is Nutrition Month
New Research Indicates Daily Consumption of Wild Blueberries Improves Blood Pressure and Blood Vessel Function
Anthocyanin-Rich Wild Blueberries Improved Blood Vessel Function Better Than Straight Anthocyanins
New Research Suggests Potential Role for Wild Blueberries In Promoting Wound Healing
New research, published in The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, (2019 Jan 30. doi:10.1002/jcd.28383) reveals that the unique phenolic acids found in Wild Blueberries speed up the migration of cells that line our blood vessels (endothelial cells).