Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Quantitation of total anthocyanins in fruit juices using differential pulse voltammetry and spectrophotometry

Pospisil, J.; Grabaric, B.S.; Lovric, T.; Marijanovic, M.

Anthocyanin, aglycone and aglycone-sugar content of the fruits of five species of Vaccinium section Myrtillus

Ballington, J.R.; Ballinger, W.E.; Maness, E.P.; Luby, J.J.

Interspecific differences in the percentage of anthocyanins, aglycones, and aglycone-sugars in the fruit of seven species of blueberries

Ballington, J.R.; Ballinger, W.E.; Maness, E.P.

Varietal differences in the quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin contents of highbush blueberry, cranberry, and thornless blackberry fruits

Bilyk, A. ; Sapers, G.M.

Color and composition of highbush blueberry cultivars

Sapers,G.M.; Burgher, A.M.; Phillips, J.G.; Jones, S.B.; Stone, E.G.