Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Extraction of antioxidants from several berries pressing wastes using conventional and supercritical solvents [electronic resource]

Laroze, Liza E.; Z©ð©łiga, Mar©Ưa Elvira; Dom©Ưnguez, Herminia; D©Ưaz-Reinoso, Beatriz; Moure, Andr©♭s

Intact anthocyanins and metabolites in rat urine and plasma after 3 months of anthocyanin supplementation

He, J.; Magnuson, B. A.; Lala, G.; Tian, Q.; Schwartz, S. J.; Giusti, M. M.

Antioxidant activity of juices and semi-concentrates produced from highbush blueberry fruits (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)

Scibisz, I.; Mitek, M.; Serwinowska, K.

Anthocyanins content in blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in relation to freezing duration

Vollmannova, A.; Toth, T.; Urminska, D.; Polakova, Z.; Timoracka, M.; Margitanova, E.