Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Phenolic contents of lettuce, strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry crops cultivated under plastic films varying in ultraviolet transparency [electronic resource]

Ordidge, Matthew; Lovegrove, Julie A.; John, Philip; Wagstaffe, Alexandra; Vysini, Eleni; Battey, Nicholas H.; Garc©Ưa-Mac©Ưas, Paulina; Hadley, Paul; Gordon, Michael H.

Blueberry husks and probiotics attenuate colorectal inflammation and oncogenesis, and liver injuries in rats exposed to cycling DSS-treatment

Hakansson, A.; Branning, C.; Molin, G.; Adawi, D.; Hagslatt, M. L.; Jeppsson, B.; Nyman, M.; Ahrne, S.

Effect of Air Temperature on Drying Kinetics, Vitamin C, Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic Content, Non-enzymatic Browning and Firmness of Blueberries Variety O”Neil

Lopez, Jessica; Vergara, Judith; Gonzalez, Eduardo; Di Scala, Karina; Uribe, Elsa; Vega-G©Łlvez, Antonio; Miranda, Margarita

Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in vitro by fruit and berry extracts and correlations with antioxidant levels

Olsson, M. E.; Gustavsson, K. E.; Andersson, S.; Nilsson, A.; Duan, R. D.

Preparative separation of chlorogenic acid by centrifugal partition chromatography from highbush blueberry leaves (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)

Kim, S. M.; Shang, Y. F.; Um, B. H.

A nonpolar blueberry fraction blunts NADPH oxidase activation in neuronal cells exposed to tumor necrosis factor-alpha

Gustafson, S. J.; Dunlap, K. L.; McGill, C. M.; Kuhn, T. B.