Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Bilberry-derived anthocyanins prevent IFN-gamma-induced pro-inflammatory signalling and cytokine secretion in human THP-1 monocytic cells

Roth, S.; Spalinger, M. R.; Muller, I.; Lang, S.; Rogler, G.; Scharl, M.

Influence of a polyphenol-enriched protein powder on exercise-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in athletes: a randomized trial using a metabolomics approach

Nieman, D. C.; Gillitt, N. D.; Knab, A. M.; Shanely, R. A.; Pappan, K. L.; Jin, F.; Lila, M. A.

Differential inhibition of UV-induced activation of NF kappa B and AP-1 by extracts from black raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries

Huang, C.; Zhang, D.; Li, J.; Tong, Q.; Stoner, G. D.

Protective effect of anthocyanin-rich extract from bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) against myelotoxicity induced by 5-fluorouracil

Choi, E. H.; Ok, H. E.; Yoon, Y.; Magnuson, B. A.; Kim, M. K.; Chun, H. S.