Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Effects of age and diet on the heavy particle-induced disruption of operant responding produced by a ground-based model for exposure to cosmic rays

Rabin, B. M.; Joseph, J. A.; Shukitt-Hale, B.

Fatty acid composition and antioxidant properties of cold-pressed marionberry, boysenberry, red raspberry, and blueberry seed oils

Parry, J.; Su, L.; Luther, M.; Zhou, K.; Yurawecz, M. P.; Whittaker, P.; Yu, L.

Reversing the deleterious effects of aging on neuronal communication and behavior: beneficial properties of fruit polyphenolic compounds

Joseph, J. A.; Shukitt-Hale, B.; Casadesus, G.

Effective separation of potent antiproliferation and antiadhesion components from wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) fruits

Schmidt, B. M.; Howell, A. B.; McEniry, B.; Knight, C. T.; Seigler, D.; Erdman, J. W., Jr.; Lila, M. A.

Effective separation of potent antiproliferation and antiadhesion components from wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) fruits

Schmidt, B. M.; Howell, A. B.; McEniry, B.; Knight, C. T.; Seigler, D.; Erdman, J. W., Jr.; Lila, M. A.

Effects of commercial anthocyanin-rich extracts on colonic cancer and nontumorigenic colonic cell growth

Zhao, C.; Giusti, M. M.; Malik, M.; Moyer, M. P.; Magnuson, B. A.

Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori in vitro by various berry extracts, with enhanced susceptibility to clarithromycin

Chatterjee, A.; Yasmin, T.; Bagchi, D.; Stohs, S. J.