Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Structure-function relationships of anthocyanins from various anthocyanin-rich extracts on the inhibition of colon cancer cell growth

Jing, P.; Bomser, J. A.; Schwartz, S. J.; He, J.; Magnuson, B. A.; Giusti, M. M.

Influence of altitudinal variation on the content of phenolic compounds in wild populations of Calluna vulgaris, Sambucus nigra, and Vaccinium myrtillus

Rieger, G.; Muller, M.; Guttenberger, H.; Bucar, F.

Blueberry opposes beta-amyloid peptide-induced microglial activation via inhibition of p44/42 mitogen-activation protein kinase

Zhu, Y.; Bickford, P. C.; Sanberg, P.; Giunta, B.; Tan, J.

Blueberry prevents bone loss in ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis

Devareddy, L.; Hooshmand, S.; Collins, J. K.; Lucas, E. A.; Chai, S. C.; Arjmandi, B. H.

Protective effects of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extract on restraint stress-induced liver damage in mice

Bao, L.; Yao, X. S.; Yau, C. C.; Tsi, D.; Chia, C. S.; Nagai, H.; Kurihara, H.

Protective effects of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extract on restraint stress-induced liver damage in mice

Bao, L.; Yao, X. S.; Yau, C. C.; Tsi, D.; Chia, C. S.; Nagai, H.; Kurihara, H.