Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Hepatic gene expression related to lower plasma cholesterol in hamsters fed high-fat diets supplemented with blueberry peels and peel extract

Kim, H.; Bartley, G. E.; Rimando, A. M.; Yokoyama, W.

Purified blueberry anthocyanins and blueberry juice alter development of obesity in mice fed an obesogenic high-fat diet

Prior, R. L.; E. Wilkes S; R. Rogers T; Khanal, R. C.; Wu, X.; Howard, L. R.

Blueberry supplementation improves memory in older adults

Krikorian, R.; Shidler, M. D.; Nash, T. A.; Kalt, W.; Vinqvist-Tymchuk, M. R.; Shukitt-Hale, B.; Joseph, J. A.

Purified blueberry anthocyanins and blueberry juice alter development of obesity in mice fed an obesogenic high-fat diet

Prior, R. L.; E. Wilkes S; R. Rogers T; Khanal, R. C.; Wu, X.; Howard, L. R.

Bioavailability of various polyphenols from a diet containing moderate amounts of berries

Koli, R.; Erlund, I.; Jula, A.; Marniemi, J.; Mattila, P.; Alfthan, G.

Berry ellagitannins may not be sufficient for prevention of tumors in the rodent esophagus

Wang, L. S.; Hecht, S.; Carmella, S.; Seguin, C.; Rocha, C.; Yu, N.; Stoner, K.; Chiu, S.; Stoner, G.

The assay of pterostilbene in spiked matrices by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and isotope dilution method

Mazzotti, F.; Di Donna, L.; Benabdelkamel, H.; Gabriele, B.; Napoli, A.; Sindona, G.

Proanthocyanidin derived from the leaves of Vaccinium virgatum suppresses platelet-derived growth factor-induced proliferation of the human hepatic stellate cell line LI90

Takami, Y.; Uto, H.; Takeshita, M.; Kai, H.; Akamatsu, E.; Moriuchi, A.; Hasegawa, S.; Oketani, M.; Ido, A.; Kataoka, H.; Tsubouchi, H.