Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Lowbush blueberry quality changes in response to mechanical damage and storage temperature

Sanford, K.A.; Lidster, P.D.; McRae, K.B.; Jackson, E.D.; Lawrence, R.A.; Stark, R.; Prange, R.K.

Leakage of anthocyanins from skin of raw and cooked highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)

Sapers, G.M.; Phillips, J.G.

Leakage of anthocyanins from skin of thawed, frozen highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)

Sapers, G.M.; Jones, S.B.; Phillips, J.G.

Effects of freezing, thawing and cooking on the appearance of highbush blueberries

Sapers, G.M.; Burgher, A.M. ; Phillips, J.G.; Jones, S.B.; Stone, E.G.

Factors influencing color degradation in blueberry juice

Simard, R.E.; Bourzeix, M.; Heredia, N.

Effect of certain chemical agents on resistance of anthocyanin pigments in fruit juices to gamma-irridation

Wilska Jeszka, J