Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Effects of whole grain, fish and bilberries on serum metabolic profile and lipid transfer protein activities: a randomized trial (Sysdimet)

Lankinen, M.; Kolehmainen, M.; Jaaskelainen, T.; Paananen, J.; Joukamo, L.; Kangas, A. J.; Soininen, P.; Poutanen, K.; Mykkanen, H.; Gylling, H.; Oresic, M.; Jauhiainen, M.; Ala-Korpela, M.; Uusitupa, M.; Schwab, U.

Anthocyanins of ripe fruit of a pink-fruited hybrid of highbush blueberries, Vaccinium corymbosum L

Ballinger, W.E.; Maness, E.P.; Galletta, G.J.; Kushman, L.J.

Anthocyanins in ripe fruit of the highbush blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum L.

Ballinger, W.E.; Maness, E.P.; Kushman, L.J.

Relationship of stage of ripeness to composition and keeping quality [of] highbush blueberries

Ballinger, W.E.; Kushman, L.J.

Blueberries and metabolic syndrome

Mizuno, C. S.; Rimando, A. M.