Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.)

Chu, W.; Cheung, S. C. M.; Lau, R. A. W.; Benzie, I. F. F.

Antiproliferative and antioxidant properties of anthocyanin rich extracts from blueberry and blackcurrant juice

Diaconeasa, Z.; Leopold, L.; Rugina, D.; Ayvaz, H.; Socaciu, C.

Changes in anthocyanin content and degradation index in strawberry and blueberry juice during storage at different temperatures

Mosorinski, N.

The application of the single pH and pH differential methods for the determination of the anthocyanin contents in strawberry and blueberry juice

Mosorinski, N.

Nitrogenous and polyphenolic compounds in cranberries, blueberries and apples var. Antonovka and in juices prepared from these fruit

Kuznetsova, N.A.

Characterization of anthocyanins during ripening of fruit of Vaccinium corymbosum, L. cv. Wolcott

Makus, D.J.; Ballinger, W.E.