Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Effect of fruit maturation on sugar and organic acid composition in two blueberries (Vacciniumarctostaphylos and V.myrtillus) native to Turkey

Ayaz, F. A.; Kadioglu, A.; Bertoft, E.; Acar, C.; Turna, I.

Blueberry-enriched diet protects rat heart from ischemic damage

Ahmet, I.; Spangler, E.; Shukitt-Hale, B.; Juhaszova, M.; Sollott, S. J.; Joseph, J. A.; Ingram, D. K.; Talan, M.

Health Effects of Vaccinium myrtillus L.: Evaluation of Efficacy and Technological Strategies for Preservation of Active Ingredients

Smeriglio, A.; Monteleone, D.; Trombetta, D.

Cell-line specific protection by berry polyphenols against hydrogen peroxide challenge and lack of effect on metabolism of amyloid precursor protein

Papandreou, M. A.; Tsachaki, M.; Efthimiopoulos, S.; Klimis-Zacas, D.; Margarity, M.; Lamari, F. N.

Survival and cardioprotective benefits of long-term blueberry enriched diet in dilated cardiomyopathy following myocardial infarction in rats

Ahmet, I.; Spangler, E.; Shukitt-Hale, B.; Joseph, J. A.; Ingram, D. K.; Talan, M.