Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Effect of cyanidin-3-glucoside and an anthocyanin mixture from bilberry on adenoma development in the ApcMin mouse model of intestinal carcinogenesis–relationship with tissue anthocyanin levels

Cooke, D.; Schwarz, M.; Boocock, D.; Winterhalter, P.; Steward, W. P.; Gescher, A. J.; Marczylo, T. H.

Development of analyses by high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtilus) anthocyanins in human plasma and urine

Cooke, D. N.; Thomasset, S.; Boocock, D. J.; Schwarz, M.; Winterhalter, P.; Steward, W. P.; Gescher, A. J.; Marczylo, T. H.

Bioavailability and tissue distribution of anthocyanins in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extract in rats

Ichiyanagi, T.; Shida, Y.; Rahman, M. M.; Hatano, Y.; Konishi, T.

Long-term antioxidant supplementation attenuates oxidative stress markers and cognitive deficits in senescent-accelerated OXYS rats

Kolosova, N. G.; Shcheglova, T. V.; Sergeeva, S. V.; Loskutova, L. V.

Pomegranate juice protects nitric oxide against oxidative destruction and enhances the biological actions of nitric oxide

Ignarro, L. J.; Byrns, R. E.; Sumi, D.; de Nigris, F.; Napoli, C.

Long-term antioxidant supplementation attenuates oxidative stress markers and cognitive deficits in senescent-accelerated OXYS rats

Kolosova, N. G.; Shcheglova, T. V.; Sergeeva, S. V.; Loskutova, L. V.