February 5, 2007
Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™
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Research Library
January 1, 2007
Protective activities of Vaccinium antioxidants with potential relevance to mitochondrial dysfunction and neurotoxicity
Yao, Y.; Vieira, A.
January 1, 2007
Pterostilbene, an active constituent of blueberries, suppresses aberrant crypt foci formation in the azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis model in rats
Suh, N.; Paul, S.; Hao, X.; Simi, B.; Xiao, H.; Rimando, A. M.; Reddy, B. S.
December 27, 2006
Sources of antioxidant activity in Australian native fruits. Identification and quantification of anthocyanins
Netzel, M.; Netzel, G.; Tian, Q.; Schwartz, S.; Konczak, I.
December 13, 2006
Blackberry, black raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, and strawberry extracts inhibit growth and stimulate apoptosis of human cancer cells in vitro
Seeram, N. P.; Adams, L. S.; Zhang, Y.; Lee, R.; Sand, D.; Scheuller, H. S.; Heber, D.
December 1, 2006
No effect of increased water intake on blood viscosity and cardiovascular risk factors
Tonstad, S.; Klemsdal, T. O.; Landaas, S.; Hoieggen, A.
December 1, 2006
No effect of increased water intake on blood viscosity and cardiovascular risk factors
Tonstad, S.; Klemsdal, T. O.; Landaas, S.; Hoieggen, A.
December 1, 2006
Dopamine-induced stress signaling in COS-7 cells transfected with selectively vulnerable muscarinic receptor subtypes is partially mediated via the i3 loop and antagonized by blueberry extract
Joseph, J. A.; Fisher, D. R.; Carey, A. N.; Bielinski, D. F.
November 1, 2006
BHT blocks NF-kappaB activation and ethanol-induced brain damage
Crews, F.; Nixon, K.; Kim, D.; Joseph, J.; Shukitt-Hale, B.; Qin, L.; Zou, J.
November 1, 2006