Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™

Research Library

Anthocyanin- and proanthocyanidin-rich extracts of berries in food supplements–analysis with problems

Krenn, L.; Steitz, M.; Schlicht, C.; Kurth, H.; Gaedcke, F.

Three Nordic berries inhibit intestinal tumorigenesis in multiple intestinal neoplasia/+ mice by modulating beta-catenin signaling in the tumor and transcription in the mucosa

Misikangas, M.; Pajari, A. M.; Paivarinta, E.; Oikarinen, S. I.; Rajakangas, J.; Marttinen, M.; Tanayama, H.; Torronen, R.; Mutanen, M.

Pterostilbene induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in human gastric carcinoma cells

Pan, M. H.; Chang, Y. H.; Badmaev, V.; Nagabhushanam, K.; Ho, C. T.

Effect of Vaccinium ashei reade leaves on angiotensin converting enzyme activity in vitro and on systolic blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats in vivo

Sakaida, H.; Nagao, K.; Higa, K.; Shirouchi, B.; Inoue, N.; Hidaka, F.; Kai, T.; Yanagita, T.

Fermented Canadian lowbush blueberry juice stimulates glucose uptake and AMP-activated protein kinase in insulin-sensitive cultured muscle cells and adipocytes

Vuong, T.; Martineau, L. C.; Ramassamy, C.; Matar, C.; Haddad, P. S.

Endotoxin- and D-galactosamine-induced liver injury improved by the administration of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and blueberry

Osman, N.; Adawi, D.; Ahrne, S.; Jeppsson, B.; Molin, G.

Fermented Canadian lowbush blueberry juice stimulates glucose uptake and AMP-activated protein kinase in insulin-sensitive cultured muscle cells and adipocytes

Vuong, T.; Martineau, L. C.; Ramassamy, C.; Matar, C.; Haddad, P. S.

Proanthocyanidin profile and ORAC values of Manitoba berries, chokecherries, and seabuckthorn

Hosseinian, F. S.; Li, W.; Hydamaka, A. W.; Tsopmo, A.; Lowry, L.; Friel, J.; Beta, T.