November 1, 2011
Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™
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Research Library
November 1, 2011
Bilberries and their anthocyanins ameliorate experimental colitis
Piberger, H.; Oehme, A.; Hofmann, C.; Dreiseitel, A.; Sand, P. G.; Obermeier, F.; Schoelmerich, J.; Schreier, P.; Krammer, G.; Rogler, G.
November 1, 2011
Bilberries and their anthocyanins ameliorate experimental colitis
Piberger, H.; Oehme, A.; Hofmann, C.; Dreiseitel, A.; Sand, P. G.; Obermeier, F.; Schoelmerich, J.; Schreier, P.; Krammer, G.; Rogler, G.
November 1, 2011
A diet high in fatty fish, bilberries and wholegrain products improves markers of endothelial function and inflammation in individuals with impaired glucose metabolism in a randomised controlled trial: the Sysdimet study
de Mello, V. D.; Schwab, U.; Kolehmainen, M.; Koenig, W.; Siloaho, M.; Poutanen, K.; Mykkanen, H.; Uusitupa, M.
October 21, 2011
Structural analysis of A-type or B-type highly polymeric proanthocyanidins by thiolytic degradation and the implication in their inhibitory effects on pancreatic lipase
Kimura, H.; Ogawa, S.; Akihiro, T.; Yokota, K.
October 14, 2011
Lowbush blueberries inhibit scavenger receptors CD36 and SR-A expression and attenuate foam cell formation in ApoE-deficient mice
Xie, C.; Kang, J.; Chen, J. R.; Lazarenko, O. P.; Ferguson, M. E.; Badger, T. M.; Nagarajan, S.; Wu, X.
October 12, 2011
Blueberry anthocyanins: protection against ageing and light-induced damage in retinal pigment epithelial cells
Liu, Y.; Song, X.; Zhang, D.; Zhou, F.; Wang, D.; Wei, Y.; Gao, F.; Xie, L.; Jia, G.; Wu, W.; Ji, B.
October 3, 2011
Storage effects on anthocyanins, phenolics and antioxidant activity of thermally processed conventional and organic blueberries
Syamaladevi, R. M.; Andrews, P. K.; Davies, N. M.; Walters, T.; Sablani, S. S.
October 1, 2011
Whole blueberry powder modulates the growth and metastasis of MDA-MB-231 triple negative breast tumors in nude mice
Adams, L. S.; Kanaya, N.; Phung, S.; Liu, Z.; Chen, S.
September 28, 2011