July 1, 2000
Wild Blueberry Association Research Library™
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Research Library
May 1, 2000
Effects of blueberry and cranberry juice consumption on the plasma antioxidant capacity of healthy female volunteers
Pedersen, C. B.; Kyle, J.; Jenkinson, A. M.; Gardner, P. T.; McPhail, D. B.; Duthie, G. G.
May 1, 2000
Effects of blueberry and cranberry juice consumption on the plasma antioxidant capacity of healthy female volunteers
Pedersen, C. B.; Kyle, J.; Jenkinson, A. M.; Gardner, P. T.; McPhail, D. B.; Duthie, G. G.
April 1, 2000
The effect of bilberry nutritional supplementation on night visual acuity and contrast sensitivity
Muth, E. R.; Laurent, J. M.; Jasper, P.
November 1, 1999
Antioxidant capacity, vitamin C, phenolics, and anthocyanins after fresh storage of small fruits
Kalt, W.; Forney, C. F.; Martin, A.; Prior, R. L.
November 1, 1999
Antioxidant capacity, vitamin C, phenolics, and anthocyanins after fresh storage of small fruits
Kalt, W.; Forney, C. F.; Martin, A.; Prior, R. L.
September 15, 1999
Reversals of age-related declines in neuronal signal transduction, cognitive, and motor behavioral deficits with blueberry, spinach, or strawberry dietary supplementation
Joseph, J. A.; Shukitt-Hale, B.; Denisova, N. A.; Bielinski, D.; Martin, A.; McEwen, J. J.; Bickford, P. C.
September 15, 1999
Reversals of age-related declines in neuronal signal transduction, cognitive, and motor behavioral deficits with blueberry, spinach, or strawberry dietary supplementation
Joseph, J. A.; Shukitt-Hale, B.; Denisova, N. A.; Bielinski, D.; Martin, A.; McEwen, J. J.; Bickford, P. C.
June 1, 1999
Content of the flavonols quercetin, myricetin, and kaempferol in 25 edible berries
Hakkinen, S. H.; Karenlampi, S. O.; Heinonen, I. M.; Mykkanen, H. M.; Torronen, A. R.
June 1, 1999